Thursday, May 15, 2008

So this is the blog...

Blogging seems to be all the rage, or something... not exactly sure why but perhaps I'll find out. Regardless, the reason for the creating of this blog makes reasonable enough sense to me. A wise man once said "there is something powerful in stating to the online public (even if they don’t exist) that you are going to do “this,” “that,” and “thata.”" I hope this is true, because I am in dire need of more motivation than I cannot muster on my own. So I ask anyone who might come by this to pretend like your checking out my blog... even if it's not true. Just leave a comment. Threaten to impale me with the hardened feces of an albino walrus for all I care. So long as I know you were here, tis all that matters.

Ahem, soo... what are these thing I need motivation for, you may or may not be pondering?

I'll tell you.
  1. Learning Japanese. I have decided to learn Japanese, for no reason that is perticularly good. I guess it would be because it sounds badass, so many cool things have come out of Japan, and I like Japanese people. (though I haven't met many, the ones I have were awsome, and I've heard good things)
  2. Learning Piano. Been playing guitar for nearly 4 years now, only to come to the realization that I enjoy composing far more than actually playing. Piano is far superior than guitar in that aspect. So I have lain the guitar aside and stolen my sister's keyboard! (cause I'm badass like that)
  3. Composing. Just writing music. I've started countless pieces (ok, maybe not countless...), but with nobody to listen to them or get feedback from they just chill incomplete on my harddrive. I've been getting into video game music lately, so I gotta start composing it up in that style. Probably using the midi sequencing program Reason, as my piano skills aren't up to par with the kind of stuff I wanna write.
Those would have to be the main ones... In addition I gotta beat Disgaea 2 on my PS2 emulator, cause I never got through the first one before my Dad's friend took back his ps2. :( I also want to get back into art. Drawing and such. I used to want to be an artist before I discovered music, which then took priority in my lyf (the more ganster way of spelling life). It still has priority, but I feel I should't have abandoned it nearly completely as I did... I went through a short pixel art phase, but didn't really make much head way.

Anyways... If any of this stuff might interest you, or you have a blog featuring anything similar, leave a comment, or whatever you bloggers do.

May the force be with you all.

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